17 February 2020 • Climate Action Darwin
Climate Crisis: National Day of Action
This Saturday 22 January, come to show your support for climate action and to write a message to Chief Minister Michael Gunner. With thousands of others around the country, we will be telling our politicians that enough is enough. Demands to be presented are as follows:
- NTG to declare a Climate Emergency.
- Ban Fracking. No new fossil fuel or nuclear projects. End subsidies to the gas industry.
- First Nations justice. Funding for Indigenous-led land management. Jobs on country to repair ecosystems, reduce emissions and fire risk.
- 100% renewable energy by 2030. Build a 100% publicly-owned renewable energy system by 2030. Just transition for communities and guaranteed jobs for affected fossil fuel workers. Fund good low-emissions jobs in transport, manufacturing, disaster relief, health, education, energy, and climate adaptation.
- NTG to legislate a binding emissions reduction target. Net zero by 2050, first increment in 2022
Volunteers for this event are needed: email info@climateactiondarwin.org.au